“Multnomah County home to highest concentration of lesbian couples of any large or medium sized U.S. county.”

This OregonLive article was released September 3rd, 2024 when your lavish hosts and their charming partners were sitting poolside in Las Vegas prepping for the Shania Twain concert later that night. Before consulting the article’s data, they did two things: 1) basked in the glory of the world’s highest honor, and 2) wondered aloud what the percentage proportion of lesbian couples could be in the PDX area. Some of them guessed 30%…some of them guessed 10%…one of them guessed 100% prior to realizing, no, it’s just that 100% of the places they frequent lean sapphic.

The real answer? Drum roll…2.8%!

While this number may come as a shock to the copious sapphos that reside here, it is, in fact, roughly double the rate of lesbian couples nationwide.

Thank Goddess 🙏🏼

For those who have never been, Portland is a mecca for creative outlet and identity expression, especially for those in the LGBTQ+ community. The hosts of this widdle baby gay podcast have been privileged to find a safe haven in this city and are eager to explore all its sapphic nooks and crannies.

Through interviews with inspiring community members, we’re excited to explore queer Portland culture together as well as push beyond the confines of this original article.

Know someone who should be interviewed?

This is an interview-based podcast designed to inspire & entertain the sapphic community in Portland, Oregon. If you know someone who would be a good fit, let us know by clicking the button below 👇